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Assignment 3 CSI 311

Assignment 3 CSI 311
ABET Student Outcomes:
SO6: Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing￾based solutions.
Student Learning Outcomes:
SLO9 Develop a deep and comprehensive understanding of the object-oriented paradigm
Design an application in an object-oriented language of your choice. The program must demonstrate 
your mastery of classes, inheritance and IS-A relationships. The program should be robust and non￾trivial solution (see below for definition of non-trivial). The object-oriented design of the program is 
required to use polymorphic inheritance in the design. The topic of the design if for you to decide. It can 
be anything that interests you. Think of this assignment as creating an inventory management system 
for some collection of data.
The application requirements:
a) It must be Menu driven that allows for the following operations
a. The ability to create members objects of your object-oriented design
i. Remember: all objects have Properties, Events and Methods
b. The ability to create children objects that extend your object-oriented design
i. Remember: all objects have Properties, Events and Methods
c. The ability to remove a member or a child from the application
d. The ability to print the objects that have been created
e. The use of a structure (i.e. Linked List, Array List, Binary Search Tree) that holds all 
instances of the objects created (Hint: This is a great place to show polymorphism)
f. The ability to search for an item in the structure to see if it exists. (Make sure you search 
for different types of data when showing this step)
i. If the item exists then its information should be displayed
ii. If the item does not exist then an error message should be displayed if the item 
is not found
g. A way to print the objects within your application to a text file
i. You can specify the format of the text file, this will be based on your object￾oriented design
h. A way to read from a text file and populate objects within your program (This can be 
used for testing your application)
i. A way to exit your program
b) It must show inheritance of objects
c) It must show polymorphisms of objects
d) It must demonstrate an IS-A relationship
e) The program should be robust and not trivial in nature. (i.e. more than 4 classes of objects)
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